Hi! My App throws a runtime error in the emulator when I run a simple program to detect sound levels using the Sound Pressure Level Detector extension.
Here is a Google Doc with the error, designer, and blocks screen.
What am I doing incorrectly?
Welcome Sharon.
- not testing a Project on a real device . How do you expect the emulator to have a analyze sound information capability (memory/hardware possible issues) ? It might work on an emulator but should run on a real device.
- posting on google docs your image etc. Why not just drag the images here into the discussion space making it easier for the community to read.
- not posting a link to the extension ( Sound Pressure Level Extension | extensions ). Did you try the example aia files?
Try your app in an Android device and tell us what happens please.
Many thanks for your reply. I will try the project on my mobile device.
Yes, I did try the example aia files that produced the same error.
Will try again.
Same error on an iPhone. Charging up my Motorola.
It does not want to recognize SoundPressureLevel component.
Sorry Sharon. iphones are not able to use Android extensions. Extensions are not compatible with ios builds.
Perhaps you can borrow an Android or have an old Android without a service agreement (they are usable over WIFI as a testing tool.
Now I understand why you hoped to use an emulator. irritants in an error message only reveals itself when there is an error on ios. Sorry.
Hello Dr_Sharon_Mistretta, welcome to the forum!
In future, could please upload your information directly to your Forum Topic, as you can see everyone else does.
Did you try it on this device using Companion?
If so, and you get an error
- post a screenshot if this error and
- post the aia or a simple test aia.
Hi SteveJG,
Many thanks for your prompt replies to help me solve this issue. I have a Motorola Android mobile device and am updating the software now. Once I complete the updates, then I will test the application again. Best,
Hi ChrisWard,
Many thanks! I uploaded the information to the latest discussion. I am now in the process of updating my Motorola Android device to test again.
Hi Anke,
Many thanks for your reply. Yes, I am in the process of updating my Motorola Android device and will test it again.
Current Android version before update and Android version after update?
I updated my Android. The Sound Pressure Level Detector will not load into the MIT App Inventor 2.
Perhaps I should choose another MIT App Inventor unit for my students other than testing sound level.
Good news, I reloaded my program, and now the sound level detector works!
Many thanks for all of your help! What a nice group!
Hi Anke,
The current Android version on my Motorola is 8.0.0. It is a testing device I used previously during MIT App Inventor classes. I did not note the prior version. The current "Sound" application is for online classes with Master's degree students. That is why I was hoping to use the emulator. I emailed my students to determine their access to Android mobile devices or tablets.
Can you share the link to download the extension?
It is in the second post of this topic