Dear Team,
When will we get our participation certificate for Appathon 2023 ?
These questions we get every year. Please, just be patient.
It seems someone with the same ip-adress as you asked the same thing 2 years ago.
yes, from same center
Still haven't received Appathon participation certificate. When will I get ?
The certificates are downloadable from the submission portal. You need to log in and retrieve your certificate there. We do not email out the certificates.
Welcome to MIT App Inventor 2023 Summer Appathon
We are still in the process of judging submitted apps. We will send out an e-mail when judging is complete. We will also update our website
You can then login again and your award(s) certificate(s) will be available here to download as a PDF.
This is what it shows. Please help
Did you submit an App?
Yes. I'm part of Team DigitCodemy
DigitCodemy didn't submit an app.
No, we submitted. App name UpliftU
do you want our aia, ppt or anything else ?
The App was not submitted through our submission portal before the deadline. Someone did e-mail it to us, but after the deadline. Submissions were not accepted outside the portal.
Respected sir
We had attached and submitted before portal's closure.
But the appathon submission server was too we clicked submit button it initially accepted and then started loading. After 7 minutes of loading , the portal closed .
So according to me the app was submitted before the portal closed.
Henceforth I need the certificate issued for our app as it isn't our fault of failing the submition, becausewe had submitted before portal's closing.
I feel sorry for your situation, but I don't think it is the MIT's responsibility either. Remember, thousands (possibly tens of thousands) of people submit apps to the portal, and the server will inevitably be laggy.
Similarly, college admission offices would advise you to submit your application a few days before the deadline. This one's for MIT: “I’ve Got 99 Problems… Admissions Is Not One” | MIT Admissions.
In that vein, don’t wait until October 31st (early) or December 31st (regular) to apply, especially if you plan to apply online. If the server is down for some reason, you’re screwed.
Next time, you might want to submit your app one or two days before the deadline.