Le module "PMODBT2 Module Bluetooth RN42" pour arduino est capable d'établir une connexion en utilisant le bluetooth classique de MIT car ce module est MFI (made for IOS). Pas besoin de module BLE incompatibles !
Unfortunately, the classic Bluetooth components in App Inventor rely on the Serial Port Profile (SPP) in the Bluetooth spec, but Apple does not make this available for use in iOS apps. Only BLE will be supported on iOS.
RN-42 and Compatibility with a Program on MIT App Inventor
- Classic Bluetooth and SPP (Serial Port Profile):
- The RN-42 operates on Classic Bluetooth and supports the SPP (Serial Port Profile).
- iOS supports this profile only if the device is MFi (Made for iPhone) certified. According to the documentation, the RN-42 explicitly supports iOS devices due to its MFi certification and compatibility with relevant Bluetooth profiles.
- Connection with iPhone iOS:
- In Slave mode (SM,0), the RN-42 can be discovered by the iPhone as a Classic Bluetooth serial device.
- Communication between the iPhone and Arduino (via the RN-42) is established using a UART serial connection (via RX/TX), which is compatible with MIT App Inventor using the BluetoothClient component.
- Required Configuration on the RN-42:
- By default, the RN-42 is configured with the following parameters:
- Mode: Slave
- Profile: SPP
- PIN Code:
(modifiable via theSP,<code>
- To configure or check these settings, you can enter Command Mode by sending the
sequence over the serial UART connection.
- Connection Process:
- The iPhone can discover and connect to the RN-42 using the Bluetooth functionality in MIT App Inventor.
- Once connected, the RN-42 acts as a transparent serial bridge between the iPhone and Arduino.
This is an important detail. Is your device MFi certified? If so we might be able to support it but otherwise it's a nonstarter.
I have many Bluetooth devices registered with my iPhone and I use them daily, but NONE appear in the Bluetooth Component List in my small app
It shows only a blank screen with a "Cancel" at top left corner.
Am I using the correct component for Bluetooth in my app ?
Are there other BL component I must chose ??