I am developing a sports app but struggling to decide between using MIT App Inventor or Flutter/Dart. What are the key differences between these two platforms, and which one would be the better choice?
My app is designed for Android and includes an interactive UI, conditional logic (if-else statements), and access to phone features such as the camera, vibration, and other essential tools. Additionally, I plan to integrate videos and images.
I would appreciate your insights and recommendations.
I suggest you do some research, your browser search engine (e.g. Google) should return you plenty of results on how to build an app using flutter/dart, and then you have the main AppInventor site which provides guides on getting started and building apps using Appinventor.
So why don't you use that then? I only know App Inventor and that is always my language of choice. What you described can be done with App Inventor. Maybe start experimenting and see if it is something for you.
I think that interactive UI can be achieved but animations are hard, and making buttons or components spin and move, or adding new ones when a condition is met, is very hard in App Inventor, and you may have to use the canvas for that, but i think if you just have like buttons or text boxes and stuff it should work very well.