In my application, I want to get Latitude & Longitude from a given address (text).
I use LatitudeFromAdress bloc:
This works fine with Android, but fails with iOS. Within iOS, latitude & longitude are always 0.
Here is my small test program:
and the aia project:
CheckGetLocationFromAddress.aia (2.7 KB)
This functionality is supposed to be OK according to:
Is it related to this issue: iPhone 12: Why Location Sensor's Current Address "No Address Available"
Yes. The core issue as I mentioned in the other thread is that the block is implemented to be synchronous because of the design on Android (this design predates App Inventor coming to MIT from Google). However, the iOS API to compute the address is asynchronous so there's no easy way to map this into the existing design.
Add an asynchronous method and deprecate the synchronous one by marking it as @Depracated.
Thanks for this clarification.
Would be good to update / mention this on
Any idea on when an asynchronous implementation could be done / released?
This feature is really key in many applications (including mine
Could you plan the implementation of this asynchronous feature and let us know when it could be achieved?
Thanks a lot
I can see what we can do about getting it into nb201.