I keep getting this execution error

I am experiencing an execution error when I try to use the app. The error appears as soon as I open it. Additionally, it doesn't allow me to add anything to the list. Could someone help me identify where the issue might be in the code or flow of the program? I would really appreciate any guidance to resolve this.

Thank you in advance.

So Lista is a List type, or CloudDB component?

Here is a tutorial on how to work with Lists:

Rename your global variables to identify what they are lists of, like List_of_Professors or List_of_Publications.

Then learn to work with Tables.

Hi yall, thx I managed to fix the saving elements in a list error, but now i want to know what block to use for deleting an element from the CloudDB1, and therefore, from the listview "Visordelista_alumnos" and "visordelista_profesor", technically it automatically deletes cuz of the "Get value tag" block, I js wanna know which block to use and connect with "visordelista_profesor-selection"so the element from the listview gets deleted from the cloud. THX


You will have to download the list to your app, remove the item/element that you want to remove, then re-upload the list to cloudDB. (Unless, that is, you want to only remove the first item in the list, for which there is a block)


Your CloudDB Value If Not There should be a Create Empty List, not a text blank.

A blank text would poison all attempts to load the CloudDB value of tag 'ListA' to an Elements list.

You need to fix this in all 5 places where you do this.


You must eventually realize this must be wrong.

Your professor should also be able to see the problem.

Your parents might be able to teach you the problem if you go into the pantry and remove all the labels on the various cans, jars, bottles and tubs.

P.S. Your country doesn't have an extradition treaty with the US, I hope?