How do you create comment option 💬

:speech_balloon:How to create comment option in listview using firebase db
Like this example:
Every list view = have comment box
How to create this in mit app inventor💬

You will probably need an extension that can recreate a listview style, so that you can include a comments system. There is no comments system in the native listview component (as such).

Iam using colintree list view for posts data
I want to add comment feature on this list view

dynamic component extension would be a better option.

Ok, then how to create a comment box on dynamic components extension using firebase db

Provide more details as to how you want your "comments" to work, and in what context.

When i upload data from firebase db as posts or topics in that topic haves comment box option usingcolintree listview

Example topic using firebase db
[Comment box]

:point_up_2::point_up_2:this model

what kind of layout do you want?
you can draw them on paper and upload here.

[Image ] text

      [ Users comment box]

This is understandable

you can first make such sample layout in designer view, do not use listview, but use horizontal arrangements /vertical arrangements, labels, images, buttons only. and fill some real stuff on the labels /buttons /images.

then you can make more dynamically with extension CompCreator

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Comment listing style, sub comments etc. ?
Comment content: user date content etc?

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Like you tube commwnt box

You have a lot of work to do...

I Dont want exact you tube comment box
Simply see all users comments
And add new comment option i have this two function

Perhaps the way to do this is to have a single modal dialog, inside of which is the dynamic content for the specific post, which pulls in the comment data for that post. Then it is a case of the storing and retrieval of the comment data.

Please give example blocks

Show us how you add comments to the Firebase data structure

Iwill not create firebase database structure
Firstly idont know how to create comment option

How will users then see comments made by others ?

This is correct
I create like this