How do i know my appinventor project url?(fitbit)

how do i know my appinventor project url ?
do i need to register on google play store if i want to know my appinventor project url ?
Please let me know if there is another way.
(i'm a beginner who doesn't know coding.)

I'm trying to connect with fitbit using the API.
but I don't know what to write in the Redirect URL * blank space.
so i want to know my app inventor project url.

What happens if you just do this (with your own url of course):



what do you mean?

This is what is suggested in the fitbit api instructions.

I do not know more than this, I use a proper watch that tells the time :wink:

This looks like an OAuth application style registration system. Typically, you need to run a hosted server for OAuth integrations because client systems cannot be considered secure enough to store the keys needed for the OAuth protocol. The Redirect URL is the page on the server that would receive the refresh/auth tokens on behalf of the user to store them.