Hello there i have a build issue

Hello, I'm Alex, and from today, i tyry to build my app and got build internal server error 500:
i not change anything tof my project today, just try to build version of yesturday, and i got this errror, i try to create another empty project, adn builded succesfully, then i try to clean up my current project and nothingm, even i leave on it only screen1 without nothing, i got internal server error, i try to import previous versions, same problem, please help me, if someone know what can cause this issue, thank you in advance, Cheers, Alex

Build failed! Build server responded with response code 500.

500 Internal Server Error

500 Internal Server Error


This URL allows you to open AI2 to the Project List, without opening any project.
From that list, you can request Exports of Projects without trying to open them.
Upload the troublesome .aia here.


clean_app_error.aia (10.2 KB)
i clean up all apps, data, all apps settings, try to import the project to another mine account , nothing, always error, i attatch to you totaly empty project, even if i delete all screens, try to build and got error, with all other project, all work fine, i really don't understand

temp1.aia (1.2 KB)
Another one, wthout any screen, same build error

We have the same issues here. Looks like it is some kind of operational issues on MIT AI2 server.


@jis Build errors confirmed on the code server.

yeah, is the same, but new project buillds normally, and some other projects, i don't understand

the bulid server is down i got same issue
Build failed! Build server responded with response code 500.

500 Internal Server Error

500 Internal Server Error


Welcome to the club.

No word from MIT yet.
It's 10:39 PM here, so
(falls asleep)

cool, we wait

They should be back now. The load balancer ran out of disk space (it creates verbose debugging logs, which I should really get rid of). I flushed the logs, restarted it. All buildservers are working now.

Sorry about that.


nothing, keep doing beautiful things, confirm from there, now all seems to be operational, cheers, and good night guys :slight_smile: