FAQ Section: JavaScript Stunts

Audio File (mp3) Duration with Javascript - @TimAI2

Create Buttons in WebViewer By Code - Juan Antonio

Dynamic Expression evaluation - Akshay

Dynamic Expression Evaluation via eval() - Kevinkun

How to fill out a form of a webpage and click a button using some JavaScript - Taifun

HOWTO: Create a PDF, offline, "within" AI2 using jsPDF and base64 extn by Juan Antonio

JavaScript Date Picker (Spanish) - Juan Antonio

ListViewer Selection in a WebViewer Table - Taifun

Multiple Input to Pythagorean Triangle Formula - Juan Antonio

OCR using JavaScript Tesseract - Jörg Hüneburg - Requires web server now

Python and Skulpt thru JavaScript - Taifun

Scrape a Web Page using a WebViewer and JavaScript - @Kevinkun

Scrape a Web Page using a WebViewer and JavaScript - @TimAI2

Sort a list using the WebViewer - Taifun

Sort List with accented characters

Sound Generator using JavaScript (Spanish) - Juan Antonio

Sound Generator Procedure using Javascript - @TimAI2

Cubic regression - Juan Antonio

How to sort using JavaScript and the webviewer by Joerg Kowalski

Updated Tutorial WebView Javascript Processor for App Inventor by Rich Interdonato - ABG

Dynamic table layout with any number of rows and columns including table listpicker - Taifun

How to test for the presence of the webViewString object? - @TIMAI2

Store html variable in tinydb for reuse with WebViewString - @TimAI2

Creating Games in App Inventor’s WebView: A Guide - @Passos_0213