I received error 1103: unable to post or put the text when I tried to connect to AI Companion after updating to Android 10.
I don't use any Web component and previous projects(they worked) don't work now. All of my projects occurred the same error message.
This is the error message.
If the steps above both work, try using the "ping" command to ping to the IP Address of the phone -> OK!
If all of these steps succeed and Wireless App Inventor still doesn't work, then there may be a firewall between the computer and phone -> No firewall.
Checked using the same wifi of computer and phone.
Removed and installed MIT AI2 Companion app again.
Nothing happened(No reaction) after scan QR code when I checked Use Legacy Connection option in Companion. But I got a connection fail message in my computer.
I made Web based app, It works in the emulator.
I will share aia of the app after finding how to share it.