Can you help me why am getting that error?

can you help me why am getting that error?
here is the error

and here are my blocks

The issue appears to be from these blocks


so debug here

so how can i fix it then please?
it was a working project by firebase but when i added these blocks to my blocs it was stopping my app and not working so i needed to replace it with clouddb to remove that lag and it works but cants fix that error you saw above...

Not sure what is happening, only thing I can see is that you have linked lists:
fullDriverList = firebaseDriverList

Where ever you do this, try inserting a copy list list block, then they will stop being linked.


In the screen Initialize event you ask CloudDB for a list, but specify an empty text as the default value. That poisoned subsequent list operations on the returned value.

Also, you need to add a notifier to the CloudDB error event. Don't sweep errors under the rug.

lets show me more please
let me show you that blocks separated first so if you fixed the lag it it will be nice from you,
here is the AIA file itself, lets make it working with clouddb instead of firebase
or lets remove the lag from the firebase
find driver.aia (18.2 KB)

You switched back to Firebase, but you also make the same mistake there as you do in CloudDB.

So here are corrections you should apply to your code first, to help with debugging.

By now, you should have the habit of adding these yourself, so we don't have to do this for you.

Since you had a Notifier for a different purpose, I added a second Notifier just for errors.

I am unable to see your Firebase database structure using my general purpose Firebase utility.
I get permission errors on the Firebase DB.

FireBase_Explorer_basel.aia (7.2 KB)

I can't debug code for a database I can't see.