blocks and aia for listview select button using buttons


menuseleccion.aia (4.7 KB)

the blocks that i show its about create a menu using buttons up and down. this blocks work with this explanation. i use a global variable for count the move inside listview up and down. so i use an incremental and decrement the value numeric of global variable.
The touchdown its use for when you push the button change the background color for up and down button

the next block is listview for use the selection index value that the listview define inside the order of every item inside the elements of string like this images. so using conditional if and else if you can define if the value of selectionindex take a value numeric about the order of elements of string can do an action


and the last picture works using an incremental and decrement value of global counter. using the value of global counter when you push the button this change the value in the global counter and you can choose the option that you want to select.

if someone have a question. you can ask me. thanks for read my tutorial or guide