Transfer lists accross screens

I am having trouble saving lists and transferring them between screens. The problem is
that it replaces the list item instead of adding it to the list.

  1. You cannot do this, you need to set the variable NOS_C in an event like Screen Initialise

  2. You do not need to do this, you have already set that value to the variable namelab

Global namelab does not appear to be set to a list just a label value? If you want global namelab to be a list, then initialise it as an empty list, then add an item to that list, then store in tinydb.

What happens on Screen3 to get these values ?

What do you mean by putting it into an event handler?

Screen Four getting the name values

is this good?

this is where the name comes from,gets stored, then transferred.

Don't have global variables and textboxes to store the same value, just use the textboxes

Abd learn to switch screens correctly

See also tip 1 here General Tips and Tricks for App Inventor


I removed the global variables and put the textboxes directly into the tinydb.
Does this look good?

It looks ok
I would store the values after data validation...

And: you are still switching screens incorrectly

i have more than two screens and don't know witch one it will open.
here are my changes to the receiving screen.


i saved the list to a tiny db thinking it was deleting it each time

i put the storing under the validated section (circled in blue).

It finally works! thank you for all of your help!

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