If you do not have the time, then you might want to ask an experienced developer to do the work for you for a small fee... I'm available...
Note: your requirements seem to be simple, but are technically a challenge, because not only you have to use itoo to have some functionality in the background, you also have to consider, that from the background you can't send sms, you will have to bring the app from the background to the foreground and send the sms from there...
aia files help you to share and edit a copy of one's project
that is - if you go to https://mv-ezproxy-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/#4700141227409408
and select project tab > import project (.aia) from my computer
you can import the file which i gave you
TLDR: you dont need to start from scratch, you can continue from where i left off.
so anyone who would like to take this task could find it easy to help you
I created forms for storing 3 numbers, and message text, set the groundwork for launching the background process, configured the logic for sending message
we just need to make sure that messaging works properly on background
(something might be wrong with my phone, that might be the reason why i couldnt get things working in the background)
Я проверил это приложение через MIT AI2 Companion и приложение не работает ни в фоновом режиме ( имею ввиду, когда смартфон в режиме погашенного экрана), ни в режиме открытого (на экране) приложения.
Вчера где-то прочел что вроде Tiny DB не работает в фоновом режиме, и что-то нужно другое. Может я ошибаюсь!
I used tiny dB to store info related to numbers (outside itoo processes) , all data retrieval and setting of message parameters happen outside itoo processes.
just use the methods StoreProperty/FetchProperty instead of TinyDB as @nishyanthkumar already mentioned
Btw. your sendMessage procedure does not really work like that, it helps to test it in the foreground
as already mentioned earlier
from the background you can't send sms, you will have to bring the app from the background to the foreground and send the sms from there...
I can certainly sympathise with your situation and I appreciate the honesty in your request for help. How-ever my education and career when I was younger once combined with what's going on in the world right now in different areas, has me concerned that this apps desired function as defined could be used without any modifaction to operate as a detonator and/or deadman switch....
I am not disagreeing with your statement and I can certainly understand where having an app that instantly starts to broadcast data can be extremely useful. Even in some the quieter parts of North America this could still save lives. During that earlier part of my life over 30 years ago, when I was trained to think about all the negative potentials of perfectly innocent requests for information or assistance, we thought our instructors where being way to over dramatic. Now the world is seeing what was behind the curtain of blissful ignorance. I am not saying to not help a person asking for help, I am just voicing a thought of caution about what doors a person may be opening for someone else they don't actually know.
Сочувствую. Но скорее всего загребут. Главное не делай глупостей. Раздобудь рацию непосредственно на передке, выходи на связь, сообщай свое местоположение. «Волга» 149.200
Тебя за руку отведут с фронта. Не захочешь меняться, можешь пересидеть пока все не закончиться. Это добровольно.
Могут, насильно за руки за ноги и оттарабанят в учебку. А там будут заставлять принять присягу! Но, я ни на что не соглашусь, ничего выполнять не стану, и ничего тяжелее ложки в руки не возьму.