See a list of Bluetooth LE by names (and not by address)?

Hello ;

I followed this lovely tutorial to make an app able to detect , list and connect to a BLE device
Sadly the list displays only the adresses of said devices , and as such it is very hard to isolate my device in the middles of dozen of other BLE devices.

I have successfully renamed my device (its an arduino microcontroller).

Thanks in advance.

With this code you can get

Mac Name Rssi

Thanks , but this appears to be normal bluetooth and not BLE , witch uses a custom librairy both on the app inventor and on the arduino.

I will still have a look at it.

EDIT : i tried looking at the arduino code for librairies , but there wasn't any because you used the UART protocol. My bad !

When you add the "BluetoothLE1.Devicelist" to the List View (ListBLE.ElementsFromString) the device list already contains the BLE name.

If you are just seeing addresses and nothing else that means a name was never defined for the device.

Also, it sometimes helps to reduce the ListView text size to see all the text too. I believe the default text size is 22. In my opinion, setting the text size to 20 or even 18 allows you to view the details better.

Otherwise you will need to manipulate the text yourself to filter out the MAC addresses etc.