That's all very good news. I have been unable to view the HeartRateMonitor Blocks, the Blocks Area is corrupted (probably occurred during the upload to the forum post). However, it contains a very old version of the BLE extension - you will need to update that to the latest extension version, which contains all the other technical updates since version 2 (version 2 is very very old).
Good morning,
I normally updated the bluetooth extension. I have verified that the app still works with this update.
I attach the aia file of the application to communicate from circuitpython to the tablet
Mr Mathieu
HeartRateMonitorGM_V11.aia (331.2 KB)
Good morning,
I have finally just finished the AppInventor application which allows communication in Bluetooth Ble with the M4 Airlift lite metro card.
I thank Christophe John Ward for his help, his explanations and the time he devoted to my various problems.
Communication is essentially done through character strings.
From the tablet I can control a servo motor and read information from the sensors.
Attached is the pdf containing the Python program and AppInventor
Mr Mathieu
explication_projet_Bluetooth_AppInventor.pdf (490.0 KB)
appli_pubelle_Ble_v11.aia (883.9 KB)
That is good news Mr Mathieu - I'm not sure I was that helpful, but I hoped at least to keep you exploring all the possibilities to find the solution.