apk application
the user connect to his googleDrive account
create "PoketDoc" folder in googleDrive if not existe after confirmation
store every record(
DateTimeCons (DateTime), Nom (Text), Sexe (Bool), Age (Byte), Contact (Text), Details (Text), Image1 (Blob), In1 (Bool), Image2 (Blob), In2 (Bool), Image3 (Blob), In3 (Bool), Image4 (Blob), In4 (Bool), Image5 (Blob), In5 (Bool)
in google drive database
display the records in order by DateTimeCons DESC
Buttons to add, Edit, Delete selected record
Image1, Image2, Image3, Image4, Image5 from camera
TextBox to filter records by DateTimeCons, Nom, Sexe, Age, Contact
Google Sheets ?
Firebase ?
i want to use only google account
how to create android APP the users login in his google account and display Drive folder and create sheet and upload pictures
There is also this:
or this:
or this: