Hi Alexandre,
in the next few days I will check and try to add these parameters.
Best Regards
Grazie mille Marco!
Ciao a tutti,
I added two parameters
isTable can be true or false
detectOrientation can be true or false
OCRAPI here You can find when to use it
OCRSpace.aix (18.3 KB)
OCR.aia (23.6 KB)
Best Regards
Marco Perrone
Hello thanks for the extension but when i am testing my app on my phone it is not working. When i take a picture it just shows me the image it does not give any text. If you can help please do. Can you do it fast pls i need it for my project and we dont have a lot of time.
Hi @Hikari did You follow the instruction at the beginning.
Register to have your api key, and then add your api key in the OCRKey variable in the project
I think this is your problem.
Best Regards
$r = $client->request('POST', 'http://api.ocr.space/parse/image',[
'headers' => ['apiKey' => 'KEY', 'OCREngine'=> 2 ],
'multipart' => [
'name' => 'file',
'contents' => $fileData
], ['file' => $fileData], ['OCREngine'=> 4 ] );
$response = json_decode($r->getBody(),true);
Please help me to put correctly OCREngine
Does anyone use the paid API?
I'm testing the extension using free API. The extension seems to work fine, but the free API is unavailable all the time. Does the paid version have the same problem?