Yes, I will do
Thanks to you!!!
nice suggestion
My extensions directory lists currently over 1.500 extensions
Thank you... yes, I put a lot of work to get the directory we have now... This is an ongoing work... important is to list all available extensions and not only 1/3...
See my license: This work by Pura Vida Apps is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License with attribution (name=Pura Vida Apps and link to the source site) required.
Although copying is legally possible with attribution, the question is, is it also morally fine?
See here
Good luck with your project...
I think there has been a misunderstanding, partly because I use a translator.
Regarding copying, I did not intend to make it understood that copying is okay. At no time did I say that. What I want to say is that I have made a similar program (not dependent or extracted from yours) that at no time has the purpose of harming you. It is simply one more project in the community. And what I say is that I don't think there is a problem with my program since it has not copied you, but it is similar.
Yes, but sometimes Taifun misses some, such as these ones. Just wanted to give him a gentle reminder, not a sort of personal attack.
If you would like to improve, here are suggestions.
You do not credit the author in your extensions directory like Taifun did. If you would like to compare extensions you would also want to compare the author, and also the release date.
Currently he also includes a short description of extensions in the newer published extensions.
He also uses the
icon to indicate newly created extensions in one month.
It would be a good try for effort, but I would choose to create a directory for something else.
I will try to do
A suggestion
Add this when we search, a results list in the search box comes if more than 1 extension is found containing a similar name.
Also, I can't find AI2 extensions. I searched everything but only kodular's show up.
There is no such thing as AI2 extensions or Kodular extensions..
Extensions usually run on all distributions, there might be some very few exceptions where this is not the case...
Hello, from the App Inventor community the Extensions category is not listed in your directory please fix it.
I will try, thanks!
thanks for the bug report
I think I solved the problem, thanks!
if you find a new bug, please let me know
Please edit the 1st post, now it's over 1000 (1036) extensions listed.
yes, I'm solving this, also is a little less than that number, I am solving this bug
Btw I mean edit this in the topic:
yes, now I will change it!