MyFonts → use your own custom fonts (a modified version of @Ken's YourFont extension)

Thank you so much you are too good I was thinking that I have to compromise with it but you have done the work for me thanks a lot it really means a lot.

Hello this is returning error in companion

Which error? Post a screenshot.

It isn't even working in companion no error.

@Anke It started working after reconnecting companion.

Sometimes you need to delete Companion's assets folder.

1 Like

Ok thanks for the tip next time I will keep in mind.

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i have problem , when the number of character is lenght too i see barcode in two line!!!
can u help me?

I tink you have to set the weidth of the label/text box to "fill container"
Here a screen of the interface :

sorry for my english but i'm italian.


Hello, it says "Upload Error" everytime I try to import it as an extension.

  • Remove all assets from the Companion app (on your test device)
  • reload the browser and
  • try again.

See also here:

My devices (both phone and laptop) can't seem to access the .aia file. Can I send you a PM? I tried searching for ways online on how I can do it, but I'm lost. I'm a newbie in MIT App Inventor.

Ok, send me the aia via PM.

guys I have a Question where to download AIX fonts ?

Hello Mohammed

You can use True Type Fonts - however, you can't just rip them off your PC, those are copyrighted. Search the internet for the style of font you require - you should find some that are completely free (perhaps requiring a mention in the credits page of your App). You can simply upload a True Type Font to App Inventor's media tray (assets), just as you would other files such as images.

Is there any way to make the font load from an URL? I wanna use google fonts API so you can search and choose any font.

Have a look at the google fonts documentation to see what you can do with google fonts. You should find that you require a web based solution (e.g. html pages) to use google fonts, you cannot download a google font as a font file. (corrected)

There is a download font button in google fonts tho

Try it, what do you get?