Hi Salman
All sorts of little things wrong in your code. Why do you have both a BT Client and Server? What device is your App communicating with?
Hi Salman
All sorts of little things wrong in your code. Why do you have both a BT Client and Server? What device is your App communicating with?
How to make it like that
I have a Bluetooth client and server because I actually developed this Bluetooth Project from the Bluetooth Chat Project made by @Taifun
My application does not use Arduino and my application is just like a Bluetooth chat that must use 2 devices to communicate
As far as I know it is still true that you can have your BT device connected to only ONE screen. There are tricks, like reconnecting when you open Screen2, but if you use only one screen that will be much easier.
Should I use one screen or what
Taifun only used one screen in his example....
The trick is to use virtual screens. You can do that by having vertical layouts that can be made visible or invisible.
In your opinion, do I have to use screen 2 or I use screen2 on screen1
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Thank you
Three Power Users have already made suggestions about what you should do. I don't think we need a survey as well!!
I want to do a survey because I want to be more confident, which one I want to use
in the designer side use the visible option to set your layout options to invisible. In your block side set the visibility as required.
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