Mit app connect to hivemq broker

If the app is correctly built you can see the data on Screen1 and Screen2.

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act i stuck to create block to connect hivemq broker,
encoding to transmit real -time acceleration values, latitude and longitude at the same time.
I really need help from the mit community to help me to make the block.
I'm not proficient and I'm still new to the app. I need people's guidance
thank you.

18 .- AccelerometerSensor Publish and Subscribe x, y, z. Send and receive the three variables. HiveMQ.

Another idea for working with realtime is to use CloudDB or Firebase (realtime).

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i have see the block,
for my block i don;t have label 1,1,2,3,4,5.

i just create like this, then the outcome also show the value, x-axis,y-axis n z-axis

in your block, is quite different

Hi, I have problems to connect mit app to hivemq. I don’t know how to create the block for connect to hivemq and tranfer my data from mit app into hivemq messages.
i need to get the data accelerometer, latitude and longitude from my block.

this is my block that i have create to get the accelerometer n latutide,longitude data.

value for all out, but to send the existing value to hivemq, I did not succeed and did not know how to generate a block

also i try connect to hivemq wit, port:1883 and host:, but still data not show on message hivemq.

i really need someone to help me.

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I found this link for you; hope it helps a bit:

Also, please take screenshots (Windows Key - Shift - S for your Windows machine); I can barely read what's on your screen.

I see @Juan_Antonio (sorry for mention kameraad) was helping you earlier on this thread:

He was the one who recommended to use Port 1883 in the first place; I would ask him for help to see this through.

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tq for your respond,
do I need to create a block to publish and subscribe. because I only want the data from the smartphone app to come out in the hivemq message.
i confues at that things.
if must to create i will create block for publish n subscribe.

because i use hivemq to get the realtime data, then i will apply to nodered n matlab.

I'm not sure...


  • For Block-screen screenshot: right mouse button

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so i need delete my old extension, then import this new extension?

i not sure that topic in my block is right or wrong


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sense_road.aia (661.6 KB)

i cannot import that file you give into my extension mit app

yes i can open that file in my mit app

yes it work

here the result for
thank you

can i copy your display and block into my project file?


juan/acelerometer by frdsir777/aceleremeter
juan/acelerometer by frdsir777/aceleremeter

In Blocks change
juan/acelerometer by frdsir777/aceleremeter

  • To work with real time you can also use the CloudDB and FireBasDB (realtime) components.