I need a coach to help me through some tough parts

I have a good idea for an app. It’s a productivity app to assist me in being more efficient with by job. This is not for profit. And now because of the COVID-19 threat, I have found that I need it more than ever to distance myself from others to protect my family as well as myself. I am a truck driver and I have been running excessively hard these last few weeks. I’m an engineer turned truck driver with a college education. Not something people are used to seeing. Because I’m not much of a programmer, it would be great if I could find a coach to help me with some of the coding as I plug away at this project. Anyone care to help out?


Please let me know the details of the App that you want to make. We will help you out.


Thank you for taking the time. I am breaking this up into several small bite-sized portions to hopefully prevent myself from getting overwhelmed.
During my workday, I am required to fill out a couple of forms that are provided by our client. It is mostly numbers that I have to record, a barcode is provided for some of them. Since that infrastructure is in place, I thought it would be easy enough to utilize that in my app. For example, I pull 2 trailers at a time. There is a barcode on each trailer, there is a seal with a barcode on each loaded trailer, and there is a barcode on the converter dolly that connects the 2 trailers. I currently carry a spiral notepad in my shirt pocket to record these numbers as I walk around and pre-trip inspect my trailers. This process could be simplified by scanning those barcodes as I did my walk around. When my pre-trip inspection is completed, I go inside the office to obtain printed copies of the bill of lading and depart. During this troubling time of Covid-19, I am able to call inside to voice verify my seal #s. I would like to email my form as a PDF instead. I don’t know how to get my form template into app inventor first off and after that, how to populate those fields once it’s there.

Blank Hook Slip - Form.pdf (60.6 KB)

Upto what I understand

Create a form like the one you attached in pdf above with necessary text fiels, label, buttons, etc. Then use the Barcode scanner to scan the barcodes on trailers and dolly. After scanning of each barcode, set the text to respective fields in the form using AfterScan event of the barcode

Documentation for barcode scanner :point_down:

After scanning is done and you have got and set the text in respective places, use the extension Create PDF file Extension. Layout to PDF by @Juan_Antonio to covert your form layout to pdf.

Once the pdf is created you can email it to anyone you want

This is on what I understood from your reply above



Thanks for the reply, we can do it for you. If you are interested in proceeding then please Email me your willingness so that we can begin the work, our contact details are as given below




Follow the advise @Vaibhav gave you. This is in essence a good app to make yourself.

You can put the result from the barcodescanner in a label for instance or in a list.


Even using a TinyDB for storing it on your phone. A TinyDB as a safety would be good because when you are using your phone to scan and you have to open another app then changes are your scanned data is lost.