Just use 7, not length 7
My extension works together with textboxes, but not with password textboxes
In your case use the length block from the text drawer as already shown here
Swap the 7 and the password textbox text block
I already did that
In your last screenshot you used the length method from my extension, which will not work in your case
You forgot to show us an updated screenshot...
You did not follow my advice
Start again reading from here
Sorry, my English is not first language and I still don't understand
Do not use my extension
It does not work for password textbox components
Use the length block from the text drawer
If length PasswordTextbox.Text > 7
If you still do not understand, follow @ABG 's advice
Minium must set 7. Longer than 7 caracters
Do you want to create a password that is 7 characters or more, or a password that is no more than 7 characters ?
Ah you just answered that !
Create more than 7 characters. Not less than 7 characters. Sorry for my mistake
I think you should learn the basics of programming first, especially the use of conditions. There are many tutorials that will teach you the basics. The fact that building an app is based on blocks does not mean that you can build an app without basic programming.
I do, but it's been long time since I redeveloper the app again
Thank you. That works!