How can I do this like below? (Firebase Complaints System)

Show me block representation of that method.

I want this kind of data, store and call it in a list by admin user.

Also this is giving me error,

Error saving rules – Line 10: Parse error.

Learn about Firebase data structures, setting and getting data, firebase secure rules, indexing and queries. Learn to think like Firebase (nosql key/values structures) and also consider normalisation of some of the data to make your queries easier.


How can I get this?


Please send me some help

As previously indicated, if you are going to use Firebase learn to work with Firebase. There are enough resources in both the community and in the Firebase Documentation to guide you to what you want to do.

Bear in mind that this is an AI2 help community, not a Firebase help community - use StackOverflow for the latter.

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That's why I am asking here,

As I need to store this kind of data from Ai2 App Inventor

Hey There @HarshVardhanSolanki
I haven't much knowledge but try this aia please use your own firebase db Url

Test.aia (4.6 KB)

i have make a basic structure You can edit it according to you

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Your way is helping me but you do it in the wrong way.

the value is store and getting in one click, the store tag is storing twice which cannot make the system better with duplicates.

BTW thanks for your kind help.

Ok now you can make your ayatem right?

I am using this above from you but it is not working,
returning value like this below.

use json parsing maybe it will work

Show blocks and after text in firebase

Tim I tried again and again but cannot be able to found any solution, please help me :sob::sob:

i've used JSON Parsing method but still the value is saved in json format

Please be patient. No need to tag others to push them.

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Thanks :blush::+1:

If you insist to do in this way, you can write the tag like this:/123456789/243/help, and value like 'i want help from you', then tag like /123456789/243/status, value like 'in progress'.

The problem is, where come this number 123456789 and 243? how the user suppose to remember these numbers?

If you are just make some random number/string as tag, then why not use TIMAI2's solution?

Working with Web.put.

Now I have got why Tim is not helping me deeply as he is a humble kind soul wants me to learn by myself.