Gif animated Extension. Clickable. Transparent Background

This post seems really helpful, as I am having trouble displaying a transparent gif in mit app inventor. The method I was using before (file:///android_asset/nameoffile.gif) is working (aka the gif is playing), but the gif's background is showing up as white, not transparent. However, I am having trouble understanding your code. Where is the block "KIO3_AniGif1. Load Gif" coming from? I do not see it anywhere in my blocks window, even under the image component blocks.

That block is in the extension.

Some animated gifs don't work with transparent background with this extension. Try to set the background color of the screen.

What version of Android are you using?

Can you upload your gif file to this topic? (in this topic your gif will not be animated)

Thank you.
Is there a way to download the extension?
Also, I am using an ipad with ios14 to test my app, and it is on the ipad where the gif background becomes white. The webviewer in which I am displaying the gif is on a screen with an image backdrop. I can tell that the gif background is white because when I run the app it plays but covers part of the backdrop of the screen. My gif file is a sticker from GIPHY with a transparent background (dog jumping)

if you are using the ios companion then extensions will not work.

Looks like you are not assigning an image component to the extension.

You could really help by showing your relevant blocks

Hi I have a problem with that.
And its too slow. (I set the number 1 and 200 and its just a little bit faster)

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i got an error
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No direct method (B)V in class La; or its super classes (declaration of 'a' appears in /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.
can someone help

Show your relevant blocks...

Do you have the latest version of the KIO4_Base64 extension?

yes i did...wait

You need to check the value that is returned from firebase.

the value is not from firebasethe gif i already download and import it into the mit app

Then why ?


that's picture that i send for profile picture

dont worry i already find other solution. i change the gif file to mp4 file then play it

For some reason, when i put my gif, it just bugs out and just shows an really messy and incomplete image. Can you fix that for me? Thanks. Also, please be quick, it's for a competition.

Show your relevant blocks, or provide a repeatable example, and your gif image.

Try the example aia project provided by @Juan_Antonio as well, does this work for you ?

Here is a working example (based on Juans)

gifTest.aia (665.1 KB)

How can I put multiple gifs on one page?

See the example in the first post of this rhread