Doubts IoT Healthy Plant + Arduino 101

Good Morning,

I am a science teacher at a school in Barcelona (Spain), the CFA Morera Pomar.

Currently I have been giving introductory classes to APP creation with MIT APP Inventor. With the same students we have been working with Arduino and now I wanted to do a project that could combine Ardunio with AI2.

I have seen the IoT Healthy Plnat tutorial
I found it very interesting, since it combines the programming part well with the AI2 plus Arduino plus the incorporation of the IoT concept.
I tried to implement the project, I bought all the sensors, seeed grove, the RGB LCD display.

The problem has come with the Arduino 101 board. I have not found it in Europe. I have at my disposal the Arduino UNO Bluno BLE (Bluetooth Microcontroler). I imagine that the Arduino 101 Extensions for AI2 do not work for this type of Arduino board. Do you know if there are AI2 extensions to be able to do this project with this or another Arduino Uno board?

Thank you

Carles Alos

Hello Carles, to work IoT you can use the D1 R2 ESP32 card, this card works with classic Bluetooth, BLE, WiFi ... and can be programmed with the Arduino IDE, you can find it for about € 5.

Here are some examples:

Classic Bluetooth: