no what i mean is the user enters a artist name and song title so the extension returns the audio file
Then you probably need an API
i checked this one but i dont know how to use it can someone help me
Firstly start with basics
what do you mean
I mean if you want to make such extension, Kindly start by making some basic extensions
but i dont know how to make a extension
do you have discord
You could use a file extension and some comparison logic, assuming your filenames contain the artist and the song title....
I am confused here that you are asking for help in making such extension or asking if someone can make it ?
You can create extension in, or inn rush Rush • A new and improved way of building extensions
because i dont know how to make a extension im asking someone who can do it for me
See my post I provide you some links that creates extension also you need to learn java to create extensions
As i said i dont know how to make extensions or jave stuff
thank you but im not in a situation to learn java right now
Why is there any problem with you?
I tell you that java is not so hard I learn this in 10 days and now I create a extension
then pls dm me