[Discontinued] UnityAds - Integrate unity ads in your application

Actually unity banners have low fill rates for some countries, for example : India, but in other Countries like US, banners display

Go to your Unity Dashboard on settings, see if the test mode is checked, uncheck it. I suggest also use interstitial ads instead of banner ads they work better.

If I have multiple banner ad do i have to initialize only one of them or all of them

You may initialize sdk once in the application. No need to initialize multiple times.

Please Update,
unity ads extension with old 4.4.0
unity ads extension with latest 4.4.1

Hi, I am not free right now.. I will upgrade extension soon.

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@ATUL_KUMAR , please stop spamming the topic. The OP has indicated that they will update the extension when they get the time to do it.

How do I resolve this error?

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method initialize(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;ZLcom/unity3d/ads/IUnityAdsInitializationListener;)V in class Lcom/unity3d/ads/UnityAds; or its super classes (declaration of 'com.unity3d.ads.UnityAds' appears in base.apk!classes4.dex)

What about providing a screenshot of your relevant blocks to help the author of the extension?

I just added the Initialize block, no others were added.

When I remove the Initialize block, the error goes away

Is bidding available in this extension?

Then ask on Kodular!

I need Unity ads letest version extension please help me anyone

Need Latest version of this extension

13 posts were split to a new topic: Kodular questions concerning ad extension, irrelevant for here

Kodular is blocking the extension by flagging it as "malicious". Is there any way to fix it?

You will have to purchase their Premium plan in order to get access to monetization extensions now. It's 3.5 USD every month...

Do you have the aia file? I'm not able to configure