can you show me blocks of how to arrange list view?
if i have a list view with big data and elements and i wanna arrange them by name or city
Show example of data, and example of what you want it to look like in a listview.
when selecting the list view element is showing on the data above so if there are many data in the list view how can i arrange them by for example name, city,,?
It's a bit hard to help if we can't read the language... are you able to provide an example with English data?
It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.
To get an image of your blocks, right click in the Blocks Editor and select "Download Blocks as Image". You might want to use an image editor to crop etc. if required. Then post it here in the community.
Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.
Do your filtering and sorting before you load your ListView
let me show you
i wanna sort the list view like that but by name and city
let me show you some of my blocks as well
I don't see city in your Firebase tags.
lets show me at least how to sort by the name and i will change the tag
Okay, let's concentrate on sorting by name.
Name is a suffix of the Firebase tags, after your ListView1.Selection values.
It's not clear from your blocks what ListView1.Selection has.
To sort, you need to get from Firebase all the brothers and sisters of ListView1.Selection.
This would be requested by supplying an empty text as a tag, and checking for that when the data arrives.
In such a case, the arriving value would be a big dictionary keyed by all those possible Selection values (whatever they are.)
You can convert that dictionary into a table using this sample code:
The you can use the advanced sorting and filtering list blocks to rearrange the table before loading it into a ListView for display.
Just in case,
i didn't get it indeed, can you show me just a firebase block with the name and city tabs and the sorting blocks and i will understand how can it be implemented?
You can not understand sorting unless you learn to use lists and tables.
Have you ever used a spreadsheet?
Yes but i meant lets show me a screenshot for the firebase data sorting and the blocks so i can understand what to do and adjust my data and tags to be suitable for sorting!
You seem fixated on doing this in Firebase.
Maybe one of the advanced topics might help you.
It will require some reading.
i am still stuck with that please help me and send me aia file so i can check all i wannt is to split the tag in the search to number and city
this is my tag
i just wanna make sort for them like the screen shot
You have not yet shown us some example data, either from your firebase console, or the data you receive in your responseContent. how can we help you to organise and sort/filter your data if you do not do this.
all i wanna aia sample for retrieving the firebase data by spliting so i wanna retreive the firebase data by the number only, here is the tag
you deleted another request than that one, that one is for arranging the data but the other one is for retrieving an split from the tag