Bottom Navigation Bar

Screen1 page blocks:

Configs page blocks:

If i'm on the home page and click on the settings nav, it even changes the page, but the button that appears selected on the Configs screen is still the home button

I did not do deep research of this extension, but I think it is intended to be used on same page/screen. that means you can change different arrangement on same screen, not like what you did as changing on different screens.
If you insist to use it on different screens, you can use "SetSelectItem" block to set the selected item.

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i've done some tests here, and that's really it. It doesn't work between different pages, or at least i haven't found how. The list of buttons in the bar are organized from the smallest index to the largest index, but when the page is loaded what defines which button will be selected is also the index and not the order in the blocks. And there's also a bug whereby if i try to change the index of a button and there's already another one with the same index, the app inventor crashes and i have to open another tab in the browser. I'll probably have to navigate in the traditional way.

Anyway, thank you very much :wink:

so as suggested, stay in same screen.


i have the same issue with. did someone find a solution if the navigation bar is appearing on the middle? and not in the bottom

It would also be great to be able to set the border of the bar and the color for this border. Similar to the shadow (by the way, there is no shadow in the latest version).

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Sure , i will update new version with all feedbacks when i get the time.


Could you please add the ability to change the color (background, selected/unselected) using the set variable? Not initiating the block.

After that it will be possible to change the color of the bar for light or dark theme.


Thanks for the good work.

Both the Initial Aia and Aix used to work for me all of a sudden, it stopped working, when checked in companion, it shows blank screen.

When I remove the module or delete it from the list of modules it shows.
When I add the module even as non visible component, even without setting up blocks, it shows blank, anyone experiencing this?

What is the fix.

Is this in companion? If so, get the bugfix companion app 2.73ad2 and install it.

can you make so only one of the icons is icon without text, and the rest have text? how?

if it's not possible then can you please add it?

And can you also add to change the font of the text?

where set shadow ? i cant find that