Thanks for quick respond! Then it looks safe to wait for the update👍 Otherwise, ask google to change the date from 31. of aug to 1st of nov.
Well that was certainly an unwelcome email I received this morning telling me I need to update the API in 12 days, and have no way to do so using App Inventor
App was only uploaded to Play a few months ago.
Have requested an extension till November, hopefully AI comes up with the solution by then...
The solution is already in the pipeline.
Thank you for your efforts @ewpatton but here is a temporary solution to extend the deadline till November.
- Go to Inbox in your play console, click on notification and go to View details.
- Scroll down and click Request more time.
- Select appropriate reasons and click Request. You will be granted extension till Nov 01, 2023.
- Extend deadline for all of your published apps.
So, no need to worry as of now, we have enough time to do the things.
Oh thank you, thank you. I received the same email for my app and was starting to stress about it.
i hope see it soon
Thank you so much ! if i could extend it until october
And again for you and everyone else:
If you don't plan to update your app on Aug 31 or early Sept, NO action is required from you.
However, if your app is still targeting API 30 (which is not the case for you, since you only recently created and uploaded the app), you should at least update it with targetSdkVerion = 31, otherwise your app will be available for users with Android 12+ devices will no longer be listed in the Play Store as of Aug. 31, 2023.
Today, on 24th of august MIT App inventor still provides SDK API level 31, not 33.
So do i have to update my apps or not? As i understood google requested me to update to API 33.
Today, on 24th of august MIT App inventor still provides SDK API level 31, not target SDK 33.
So do i have to update my apps or not? As i understood google requested me to update to API 33.
No. At least as long as you don't want to update on August 31st or later.
No, there is no need to update your app
@ShanmugaNathan2023 you are giving wrong advice, see also here
The confusion is already great enough for many. Please only people who know what they are talking about can offer advice here!
I now deleted some posts to avoid more confusion
Ok, thank you all, now it is clear for me.
The google mail was a bit confusing.
Saben si ya esta la actualizacion para appi 33 android 13 lunes 4 sep 23?
habia leido que el 26 de agosto?
It looks like you missed the latest announcement
y existe una indicación o solo es generar apk o aab. nuevo?
what about reading the release notes?