AI companion with TeachableMachine Extention crashes right after the app launching
It Crashed. So I cannot be expanded.
The problem persists even after removing the extension
AI companion with TeachableMachine Extention crashes right after the app launching
It Crashed. So I cannot be expanded.
The problem persists even after removing the extension
Check the device logs to see why it crashed.
I'm sorry, but is there an easier or another way?
Beacuse, download site won't open
Check the version of the Companion.
Use the latest one
"Your Companion App is out of date. Restart the Companion and use it to scan the QRCode below in order to update"
It dosen`t works
The download site is not working because http is at the starting use https and it will download
PS I created a topic about this as I knew that someone might get stuck Companion Download Link Bug 🪲 in App Inventor
Try it and mark it as solution
Do you have QR Code?
Qr Code? Try this link with https instead of http
It runs!!! Thanks you
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