إضافة اللغة العربية - Add the Arabic language

أرجو إضافة اللغة العربية فنحن نريداتخدام البرنامج بشكل كبير في حياتنالانن يرايته ممتازا فارجو أن تحققوا لي مطلبي
شكرا لكم
أطيب الأمنياتلكم

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Arabic is finished to 28%, see also https://mv-ezproxy-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/projects/appinventor/#languages

App Inventor is dependent on volunteers to translate App Inventor. if you're interested in contributing to an Arabic translation, please create an account at http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org and send a message to @Susan_Lane so that she can give you permission to translate.


As @Taifun said, translations are community contributed. We have right-to-left language support ready to make available as soon as we have a right-to-left language. We would be excited to have an Arabic translation.

This post in the translations subforum describes how to contribute to a translation: About Translating App Inventor