1) Read .csv file from phone, 2) Seach for a keyword 'Apple4321' 3) If keyword found, then look for the nearest word if it is 'send' 4) If the word 'send' is found do some action like 'play music'

My Text file will be updated regularly (maybe always) with numeric values (row number/index) like 4,7,1,8,4,9,2,5, etc.

How can I parse these data (may be using MFile or alternatively)?

Here is my suggestion without Tasker and without using csv files

Use the notification listener extension together with itoo to parse the notification

You have that information stored inside your app or Google Spreadsheet and do the necessary processing inside your app


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:slight_smile: Let me strive to know the possibility. :slight_smile:

Since my text file has data 1,3,2. i can read it and store it in a variable but how can I pick each value one after other? I know it is possible to do, but I don't know how to do it.

There will be no text file anymore
All data will be stored in your app... this could be in TinyDB or Sqlite


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Okay, how can i pick each value to perform some action for each values individually?

I tried to split the global variable data using split-text block but not succeeded when i tested using do it feature.

I guess, this is happening because mit ai2 is adding additional double quotes in between data forcefully. Let me try again. Thankyou.

Unfortunately we do not know how your data looks like

The best I can advice based on that little information you provided is to learn how to work with lists


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I modified the tasker code again to make the mit ai2 portion of the project much easier.

EVENT: FILE MODIFIED =>FILE: Download/177.txt;EVENT:Modify


Task: TempPrecise
Settings: Run Both Together

A1: AutoNotification Query [
     Configuration: Persistency Type: Both
     Notification Apps: FairEmail
     Get All Fields : true
     Timeout (Seconds): 20
     Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]

A2: Write File [
     File: Download/CSV File Viewer/hi.txt
     Text: %antextbig()
     Add Newline: On ]

A3: AutoNotification Cancel [
     Configuration: Id: %anid
     Notification Apps: FairEmail
     Package Name: %anpackage (case ins)
     Timeout (Seconds): 20
     Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]

A4: Read File [
     File: Download/CSV File Viewer/hi.txt
     To Var: %textfile
     Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]

A5: Variable Search Replace [
     Variable: %textfile
     Search: \bkey\w*\b
     Store Matches In Array: %textkeys ]

A6: Variable Set [
     Name: %GlobalTextKeys
     To: %textkeys
     Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]

A7: Write File [
     File: Download/CSV File Viewer/antextbig an.txt
     Text: %textkeys()
     Add Newline: On ]

A8: Read File [
     File: Download/CSV File Viewer/antextbig an.txt
     To Var: %textfilewithkeys
     Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]

A9: Variable Set [
     Name: %newline
     Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]

A10: Variable Set [
      Name: %newspace
      Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]

A11: Variable Search Replace [
      Variable: %textfilewithkeys
      Search: ,
      Replace Matches: On
      Replace With: %newspace ]

A12: Variable Search Replace [
      Variable: %textfilewithkeys
      Replace Matches: On
      Replace With: %newline ]

A13: Variable Set [
      Name: %text_data
      To: %textfilewithkeys
      Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]

A14: Variable Split [
      Name: %text_data
      Splitter: %newline ]

A15: Read File [
      File: Download/CSV File Viewer/2010.csv
      To Var: %csv_data
      Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]

A16: Variable Set [
      Name: %to_search
      To: %text_data(+/)
      Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]

A17: Stop [ ]
    If  [ %csv_data.Header3(#?%to_search) eq 0 ]

A18: Array Set [
      Variable Array: %indexes_of_matches
      Values: %csv_data.Header3(#?%to_search)
      Splitter: , ]

A19: Variable Set [
      Name: %wrap
      To: %indexes_of_matches(#)+1
      Do Maths: On
      Max Rounding Digits: 3
      Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]

A20: Variable Add [
      Name: %Increment
      Value: 1
      Wrap Around: %wrap ]

A21: Variable Set [
      Name: %Increment
      To: 1
      Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
    If  [ %Increment ~ 0 ]

A22: Variable Set [
      Name: %next
      To: %indexes_of_matches(%Increment)
      Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]

A23: Flash [
      Text: %csv_data.Header3(%next)
      Continue Task Immediately: On
      Dismiss On Click: On ]

A24: Variable Search Replace [
      Variable: %csv_data
      Search: \Q%csv_data.Header1(%first_match),%csv_data.Header2(%first_match),%csv_data.Header3(%first_match)\E
      Replace Matches: On
      Replace With: $0,find ]

A25: Write File [
      File: Download/177.txt
      Text: %csv_data.Header3(%next)
      Add Newline: On ]

And, the Blocks are:



The tasker code will run only if the text file is modified. Mit ai2 app will read the data/onesignalID/keyword from the text file and delete it. So, since the text file got modified, the tasker code will run and update the textfile with another onesignalID/keyword. The process continues.

Anyhow, I have to crosscheck if there is any possibility for errors in different situations. I may have to use clock in the blocks.

May I know the way to correct the word json?

And, can I search the word in notifications using regular expression like this \bkey\w*\b , so, if there is any word with prefix key in notification, then some task will be done?

The event offers the attributes oackageName, title and text... there is no such attribute json available

Use a regex extension...you can find them after doing a search in the extensions directory App Inventor Extensions | Pura Vida Apps

See again Notification Listener (powered by itoox-wrapper) and Itoo


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Okay, I shall correct that Json part as you explained.

I have to do one more thing in the above blocks I shared, ie, 'If no notification from Ecwid is recieved for more than 60 seconds, then run the whole blocks only once' .

If Ecwid notifications are coming within 60 seconds or at any time, then the whole blocks will run automatically with the help of Notification Listener. But, the whole blocks will not run if there is no new ecwid notification. So only, I decided to run the code only once after waiting for 60 seconds. By, doing this, the app will get the onesignal ID (that was stuck in a text file) from the text file that was stored earlier by Tasker after processing/analyzing the previous Ecwid notification.

Now both Mit ai2 app and Tasker are interconnected. If one app run then the other app will also run.

So, how can I set this 60 sec time limit in this mit ai2 app?

Use a clock component, set the timer interval to 60000 and do what you want to do in the Timer event


1 Like

Clock has to function only if there is no notif8cation from ecwid for over 60 seconds. So, do I have to include TinyDB to know if there is abaence of ecwid notification for more than 60 seconds?

How can I know the time of new Notificatiin Recieved? If I use counter for each new notif8cation, then how can I deny the counter if new notifications recieved within 60 seconds OR how xan I accept the counter value only if no new notifications recieved within 60 seconds.

How can I reset the counter value if new notifification recieved within 60 seconds so the counter will start once again?

This is like a countdown from 60 to 0
search this community for countdown examles
If there is a new notification, reset the countdown to 60
if the countdown is at 0, then do what you want to do


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I am experimenting like this as well

blocks (43)

Do I have to give any permission to the app for accessing Notifications?

"To find out the answer yourself, check the documentation and see how it is done in the example project



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In Android 11, it is directing me to another page 'Notification Access'. Since I am trying Companion, my app is not in the list also.

Do it feature is working.

My Android phone not allowed me to install the app as well, then I changed the play settings to install it.

from the Q&A section App Inventor Extensions: Notification Listener | Pura Vida Apps

Q1 : Is it possible for make the extension working in debug mode? I have problems in developing my app, because I have to compile the code each time to get a good code.
A : Unfortunately it is not possible to test extensions, which use a service like the notification listener extension in the companion app. This is a technical restriction of the companion app.
But for easier developing of your app, just modify the example project and add a button to export the TinyDB into a file. You could use the Get all TinyDB Extension by Juan Antonio to backup TinyDB as Text or JSON format. Let the example project run for a while until you collected several notifications and then export TinyDB. Then in your app you like to develop import the stored TinyDB and work with the previously stored notifications.


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Android 11 phone is not allowing to install the app. It is saying something like the app may access personal infromation. To install the app then I changed the play security settings.